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The Future is... Dock Branch Park

One year on from our previous Birkenhead event 'The Future is... Birkenhead', this time we're focused on one of the central ‘catalyst’ projects for the town – Dock Branch Park (and neighbourhood).

Last time Common Good visited Birkenhead we walked around to see some of the organisations working on the ground, offering services and creating things in Birkenhead. We then talked about what could be achieved, and what the future of Birkenhead might look like. We had a panel discussion with a difference, the panel was drawn from the audience and people with different experiences shared their views. The sun also shone and we enjoyed the outside space at Futrue Yard!

This time around we’re inviting you to join us in BirkenEd’s Place to get into some of the detail by focusing on one of the central projects driving regeneration in Birkenhead – Dock Branch Park. An ambitious idea to turn a disused railway into a public park. To set the scene well start with some words from:

  • A brief introduction to the history of urban parks - Sam Hayes

  • Birkenhead Park history and future - TBC

  • Dock Branch Park - OPEN (Landscape architects)

  • Dock Branch Neighbourhood - Maccreanor Lavington (Urban Design & Architects)

Then you'll have the opportunity to see the latest ideas for Dock Branch Park and the surrounding neighbourhood and enjoy some fun activities.

Following the activities and short talks we’ll make the short journey to Future Yard to continue our conversations with the option to enjoy something to eat and drink (food and drink at Future Yard will cost extra).

We look forward to seeing you in Birkenhead!

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